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Here is the my commercial CV, divided into different expertise field of all my works and missions done as a worker.


Technical artist / Graphic programing :


Theses are the work were I was taken both as an artist and as a technician, I had to use graphic programming in order to create specific rendering style and visuals, and at the same time a specific visual as to be created by me.

Oglinda - Unity - Making of a Post-process shader to mimic painterly visual approach for all game 3D objects and assets.

Indie Strategy game - Unity - Making of a procedural shader to generate a terrain with multiples properties.

Jeudi 8 - Unity - Making of a vfx, Kinect-driven, shader that mimics painterly approach for a Gustav Caillebote experience.

l’intitut du monde arabe - 3D - Creation of music drivent shaders for "divas du monde arabe" experience.

Série vortex - Unreal Engine - Creation of VFX and shaders for LED stage driven shots for French thriller series.

Small - Unity - Creation of a Voice driven Shader for Live filmic set shot.

Darewise - Unreal engine - Creation of a library of Master materials and VFX for a custom based stylized shader Art direction.

Tool programming - Mocap Laboratory :

Here was a specific experience, were I had to build and develop a real time animation motion capture lab, for film and advertisement purpose. It required strong animation programming, in order to tackle movement related issues. At the same time, this motion capture lab had the feature the render real-time films.

MPC / The mill - Unreal engine - Creation of a real-time motion capture laboratory.

Virtual production experiences :


I had multiples experiences to work on LED-pannels based filmic sets, It required to have a knowledge of the Unreal engine / Unity rendering pipeline, modify live the scene, to be able to perform on filmic sets, to interact with comedians, and to build VFX / lighting visuals.

Choppart advertizement - Unreal Engine - Driving of multiples LED Stage driven shots for advertizement.

Lacomete! - Point nemo - Unity / XR - Creation of a graphic production pipeline Live show using XR tracked camera.

Game-Development :

I had experiences as a game-programmer, were I was working directly on video-games, doing UI / multiplayer / gameplay and physics programming.

Dontnod - Vampyr - Unreal Engine C++ - Game development, console development and UI debugging for game release.

Ruckball - Unreal engine C++ - Game development, multiplayer development, physics development for space combat game.

GameCan - Unreal engine - Fps - Game development, multiplayer development, for first player game.

Serious game - Speech - Unity - Narrative game development for serious game.

Advertisement and films :

I was assisting a studio to create animations films, so generation of animation and patterns in order to influence great numbers of elements, advertisement based VR experiences, AR and animation based experiences, 

Multiply Studio - Unreal engine - Various films, VR, AR, application for industries and advertisement.

VR Experience :

In those work, I was between the game-programmer and the VR programmer, I had to build VR led experience, both with gameplay development and by operating openXR and SDK modifications.

AC3 studio - Game-development, XR advertisement experience development.

Backlight - Game-development, XR advertisement experience development.

SoWhen? - Game-development, XR advertisement experience development.


Electronics :

I had also working experiences were I had to develop using electronics skills and C / Arduino language, software and interface to use electronics and physical devices.

Nonotakk - Arduino / electronics - Development of electronic cardboard in order to control mass 3D printer devices.


Mobile applications :

I also, in my career, has to face mobile app development, were the programming subjects were between AR and UI.


Freelance 3D rendering contract - 3D rendering android engine development - AR based industries and marketing application.

Experience IA speech game - Unity - Narrative development, game development, around text-based narrative adventure.

QR code app - Unity - Narrative game development other QR code and AR features.

AR Experiences :

In those works, I had to develop AR based experiences, oftently tackling with animation issues or game-development led issues.

Backspace - Unity / Apple Vision Pro - Game-development, IA development of a chatGPT driven application.

La danseuse - Unreal engine - AR based 3D animated experience.


Programming :

In those works, I was working as a full stack developper, In also have the ability to operate as a web-developper.

Serious game - PHP / flash - Train simulation for formation purposes.

Manpower - Html / Css / Java - Website work and application development.

BLM Ingénieries - Visual Basic / Mathematics - Application for calculation of building structural mass for architecture


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